Video Game & Internet Addiction


"Is there more to life?"

I really enjoy working with gamers and parents and partners of gamers in an effort to reset productivity and self-esteem.  Gamers are highly intelligent and incredibly determined to finish what they start!

Counseling for Personal Growth recognizes we all have coping strategies that we use to reduce stress.  Such strategies include surfing the internet or watching TV and many, many others that are a part of our daily lives.  Sometimes these strategies are adaptive meaning that they make us feel fulfilled and like we are doing something worthwhile.  (My favorite adaptive coping strategies include playing the piano and gardening.)  However, sometimes we find that our strategies have become maladaptive… meaning that after we finish whatever it is (watching TV, playing video games, porn, surfing the internet, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, drinking alcohol, smoking pot or whatever it is) we don’t feel better than when we started.  In fact, we usually feel worse.

Another common problem is that we can “lose” a loved one to these distractions.  We feel like even though the person (parent, child, or partner) may be in the same room with us, we still feel alone and isolated.  The approach we take is to work with partners and parents to develop new relationship strategies.  Adaptive processes that will increase communication about these issues and look for new ways to interact with one another.  Hopefully we can work together in in both individual and group counseling to achieve your goals for your life to have more meaning and contentment. 

Feel free to email or call to set up a counseling consultation!